What is Usetility?

Usetility provides useful utilities for individuals and businesses.

We come from a background of professionals like you who need tools to make our business run smoothly.

We like to create solutions of our problems by automating them. We then realize that some of the tools will be useful for many people. We then publish the tools for small usage for free — as in free beer!!

For a large use, we will charge a small amount to cover our server cost.

What does Usetility do?

We have a small number of utilities that we publish for free. Free as in free beer! As simple as that.

Usetility PowerCard Basic

Bulk business cards conversion to an Excel-compatible file

Scan your business cards (10 cards a page), upload them and we automatically convert it automatically to an excel-compatible comma-separated file (CSV) file.

Our machine learning Artificial Intelligence (AI) software will automatically recognize many common business card formats and then will give you the CSV file.

Use cases:

  • if you are a power networker, usually in one day in a conference you’ll get many business cards (like 30 – 50). Imagine if you have a 3-day conference, you’ll easily get 150 cards.
  • You understand that first you need to digitize them. Then you want to annotate them, like: oh this guy is good for your catering business, or that person needs to be followed-up with your presentation….
    • At present, you’ll take a picture of a card one-by-one using your phone and then the phone will convert that picture to a VCF (vcard) for your phone.
    • Drawbacks:
      • if you have a large number of cards, say 150 cards, then you’ll need to take 150 pictures with your phone. That’s a whammy!
      • If you’re a power networker, after you photographed your pictures one-by-one, and converted it into a digital format,
        • Imagine if you have to bulk annotate these new contacts without a proper spreadsheet ➞ a nightmare.
      • After you’ve managed to annotate those 150 cards, how are you going to search your contacts?
    • Enter: Usetility PowerCard. Just scan all of them in a flatbed scanner, upload it here, and then we’ll automatically convert them into one Excel-compatible file for you.

Click here to use Usetility PowerCard Basic.

Usetility Snap-a-Card

Business card conversion to vCard file

This is suitable if you only have a few cards and you want to convert them into a format compatible with your phone.

Easy! Just scan the picture and then our machine-learning artificial intelligence software will convert the picture to a format that your phone recognizes.

Use Cases:

  • you’ve just met a person and he/she gives you a business card. So just take a picture, upload it using your phone here and we’ll send you a vCard file that your phone can read.
    • Once you open your vCard file on your phone, your contact details are available on your contact app.

Click here to use Usetility Snap-a-Card.

Usetility OCR

OCR pictures or PDF files to Searchable PDF

Have you ever scanned a document or taken a snapshot of a document? Chances are, your document is in a picture format and you cannot search the text content there.

Enter Usetility OCR. Upload pictures and/or PDFs and we’ll combine them into one Searchable PDF. Not only that, but we’ll also deskew the pages.

No more lost information! Search information / text using Windows Explorer and PDF reader.

Click here to use Usetility OCR.

Usetility Paginate OCR

Paginate a Screenshot and OCR it to Create a Searchable PDF

If you have created a long image file as a result of screenshooting a website, you’ve come to the right page.

Using our Usetility Paginate OCR. Upload the picture and we will paginate and OCR it so that your information/text can be searched using Windows Explorer and PDF readers.

Click here to use Usetility Paginate OCR.


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Your donation would also help us maintain our website and its server.

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Any donation is welcome. Thank you in advance for donating.


Yours sincerely,

