Usetility Screenshot Pagination and OCR tool

OCR and paginate browser screenshot (PNG) into a searchable PDF

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Upload a browser screenshot & convert it into a searchable PDF

Why do you want to do this?

You might browse a page, like it, and then want to save it on your computer. So you take a screenshot of your page and the browser outputs a PNG file for you.

However, in Firefox, the PNG file is too long that it’s not easy for you to read. Furthermore, it is not OCR-ed, so you cannot search it.

With this utility, you can upload the screenshot and we will paginate it and digitize it into a searchable PDF file. You can then search any text in that searchable PDF using Windows Explorer (make sure that in Windows Exporer’s Search tab, you enable search for “file contents” in the advanced option), or Adobe Acrobat Reader.

So, no more lost text or documents! Search easily with Windows Explorer or Adobe Acrobat.

What to do?

Upload the image file and get the PDF file automatically.

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